Forum on Ancient Chinese Architectural History 2012

Forum on Ancient Chinese Architectural History

Architecture Building, University of Melbourne

Coordinator: Professor Qinghua Guo

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Professor Wang Guixiang, Tsinghua University, Beijing
  • Professor Liu Chang, Tsinghua University, Beijing
  • Professor Chang Qing, Tongji University, Shanghai
  • Professor Li Zhen, Tongji University, Shanghai
  • Professor Liu Lin’an, Beijing Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering
  • Professor Heng Chye Kiang, National University of Singapore
  • Professor Ho Puay-peng, Chinese University, Hong Kong
  • Dr. Bao Muping, Tokyo University, Japan
  • Dr. Eduard Koegel, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
  • Dr Ding Yao, School of Architecture, Tianjin University
  • Huichuan Wang, University of Melbourne

An International Symposium on Ancient Chinese Architectural History 中國古代建築史國際學術討論會

An International Symposium ‘Ancient Chinese Architectural History’ will explore different aspects of Chinese architecture. The scholars will test one’s own research work, and discuss various ways and contexts by which Chinese architectural system have changed or transformed in response to, or along with, its development. Scholars will share their insights on challenges and issues facing Chinese architectural history scholarship. Some of the world’s most accomplished academics in the field will be taking part in the symposium Saturday 27 – Sunday 28 October 2012. These include Director of Architectural History Institute at Tsinghua University Wang Guixiang; Dean of School of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong Puay-peng Ho; Dean of School of Architecture, Singapore National University Heng Chye Kiang; Professor of Asian Architecture at University of Melbourne Qinghua Guo; Professor at Tianjing University Wang Qiheng; Researcher at Technische Universität Berlin Eduard Koegel; Associate Professor of School of Architecture at Tsinghua University Liu Chang; Associate Professor of School of Architecture at Tsinghua University He Congrong; Researcher at Tokyo University Bao Muping; Lecturer in Chinese architecture history at Southeast University Bai Ying; and Researcher at Tsinghua University Ao Shiheng.

Please download the PDFs and bring them with you to the conference.

Conference Agenda


9:30 a.m. | Welcome by Melbourne School of Design Director Professor Philip Goad

10:00 a.m. |

Liu Chang (Tsinghua University) - ‘Carpentry Module Design: Leiyinguo Hall of Congming Temple in Gaoping, Shanxi’ (高平崇明寺雷音過殿大木尺度設計初探) PDF

2011 年对大殿进行了三维激光扫描测绘和手工测绘,并继而以实测所得资料为基础,试图通过统计分析以推导雷音过殿大木尺度设计规律. 通过对实测以及对于实测数据结果的分析,本文尝试还原部分始建设计场景,探析雷音过殿的大木尺度设计方法,得到了结论与假说,并据此建立雷音过殿木构架的 理想模型.

Heng Chye Kiang (Singapore National University) - Reconstruction of Residential Wards in Tang Chang’an based on a Theoretical Ward Categorization System (基於理想里坊制的唐長安居住里坊復原) PDF

Three representative wards are selected for digital reconstruction. Beyond the general structure of the road networks, all three wards are subdivided into smaller land plots according to the estimated population density of the size group they belong to. These wards are then populated with compounds of different types and sizes depending on their owners’ social status found in historical records.

Bao Muping (Tokyo University) - Wooden Buddhist Temples in Kalakorum during the Mongol Empire and post-Mongol Empire (蒙古帝國及其後哈刺和林的木構佛寺) PDF

Built in1586 on the ruined site of Karakorum, the old capital of Mongol Empire, Erdene Zuu monastery was the first Tibetan Buddhist temple in northern Mongol. Based on the spatial format of both the exterior and interior design and the Yuan inscriptions, the author discusses the uniqueness of Erdene Zuu. Through comparison, the paper reveals the tradition of Buddhist architecture of Karakorum remained influential in the sixteenth century. IMAGE PDF

1:00 p.m. | Lunch

2:00 p.m. |

He Congrong (Tsinghua University) - Discussions on Chahua Tower of Chong’an Temple in Lingchuan (陵川崇安寺西插花樓探析) PDF

The West Chahua Tower of Chong’an Temple in Lingchuan, Shanxi, is multistoried pavilion type, dated back to the Yuan dynasty. This paper tries to analyze and evaluate the structure, the timber construction, and the evolution of the appearance of the unique West Chahua Tower by ways of architectural mapping and survey, interpretation and analysis of inscriptions on tablets, and studies of documents.

Bai Ying (Southeast University) - Transformation of Gyeonghoeru in Gyeongbokgung of the Joseon under the Feudal System of East Asia (冊封體制下朝鮮景福宮慶會樓建築演變)PDF

Basing on the recordation of the Book of Gyeonghoeru Pavilion written by Jeong Haksun, the governor of the rebuilding project of the pavilion in late period of Joseon, the form of the new Gyeonghoeru pavilion implied a completed symbolic system, which resembled the Mingtang building of ancient China. The author considered that from a pavilion for entertaining the Ming China ambassador to a building with some ritual function, the transformation of Gyeonghoeru concerned with the feudal system of Ming and Qing China.

Ao Shiheng (Tsinghua University) - A Preliminary Study on the Architectural Form and Historical Influence of Precept Platform by Daoxuan in the Tang Dynasty (唐代道宣所创关中戒坛的建筑形制及历史影响初步研究) PDF

In 667, Shi Daoxuan established a precept platform for ordination ceremony in Jingye Temple in the south of Chang’an. He wrote an article named Jietantujing (Illustration for the Precept Platform Creating in Guanzhong) in which he introduced the origin, foundation, meaning and deducing process of architectural scale of this creation. In a sense of architecture, he brought us a typical example of design in ancient China. So here is a preliminary architectural study about the precept platform and Qishuyuan of Master Daoxuan.

6:30 p.m. | Reception dinner


9:30 a.m. |

Wang Guixiang (Tsinghua University) - General Survey: Buddhist Architecture of the Sui-Tang Times (隋唐時期佛教寺院概覽) PDF

581 - 907 is the most important period of Chinese Buddhism and Buddhist temple construction. There were 3792 Buddhist temples in Sui dynasty and 5358 Buddhist temples in the high Tang dynasty. The Buddhist temple in Tang dynasty had become finalizing in planning. The two sutras of “Zhi Huan Temple Plan” and “Jie Tan Temple Plan” that Tang monk Dao Xuan wrote had described the standard plan of Tang period Buddhist temple.

Qinghua Guo (University of Melbourne) - Types and Functions of Qin Roof Tiles (677B.C. – A.D.215) (戰國時代陶瓦的類型和功能—以秦瓦為中心) PDF

This paper discusses types and function of architectural terracottas in the Warring States period with particular reference to the Qin roof tiles. The intention is to raise questions emerged from observations and discuss problems. The principle method of the study is comparison within the materials and cross-referencing relevant materials. This study is presented as a first step in the process of undersanding roof tiles in the early historical period.

Puay-peng Ho (Hong Kong Chinese University) - The Four Exquisites under Heaven: How Monastic Architecture are Appreciated in the Tang (天下四絕: 佛寺建築如何在唐代被賞識) PDF

Four monasteries were described as the Four Exquisites under Heaven by Tang dynasty prime minister and geographer Li Jifu (758-814) in his writing ‘Shi Dao tu’. The work is now lost but the description of the Four Exquisites had been used in many literature on these four monasteries. While the reason why these four monasteries were picked as a group, it is not difficult to see the various narrations of the Four Exquisites by subsequent authors. This paper will present aesthetic idea and architecture narration of traditional China and will explore the interface of text and imagery. It will also look at the monastery as a living organism within the historical development, thus meaning changed throughout the time.

12:30 p.m. | Lunch

1:30 p.m. |

Eduard Koegel (Technische Universität Berlin) - The Early Protection of Ancient Monuments in China: Ernst Boerschmann, Teng Gu and Liang Sicheng (中國早期古建築保護: 伯石曼、滕固和梁思成) PDF

Ernst Boerschmann’s research in Chinese architecture began in 1902 and ended with his death in 1949. He also advocated the preservation of ancient monuments in China. 1933 - 1935, Ernst met twice with Liang Sicheng and Zhu Qiqian. His best connection was with Teng Gu, a Nanjing-based art historian with a doctoral degree from Berlin University. In 1934, Boerschmann contributed to establishing a working group for monument preservation in China, worked on two proposals: Sarira Pagoda in Xi’an and tomb of Xiao Xiu in Nanjing.

Huichuan Wang (University of Melbourne) - Depiction Methods of Storeyed Buildings in Jin-Yuan Mural Paintings (金元時期樓建築壁畫中樓高度的畫法) PDF

This study discusses the depiction methods used in the Lou architectural paintings of Yongle gong and Yanshan si, two most important architectural paintings depicted in the 12th and 14th century respectively. This study is an empirical graphic investigation about principles and implementations.

3:00-4:00pm | Roundtable discussion: Global Perspectives on University Training in Heritage and Conservation Chair: Cameron Logan

Together with University of Melbourne academic staff: Prof. Gini Lee (Chair of Landscape Architecture), A/Prof. Hannah Lewi (Acting Assoc Dean Research) and Dr Cameron Logan (Researcher).

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