Recent ACAHUCH Achievements

ACAHUCH members have been busy at the 3rd ARENA (Architectural Research in Europe Network Association) conference ‘A World of Architectural History’ at the Bartlett, University College London last week.

© Jack Hobhouse

Papers by Amanda Achmadi and Paul Walker, Karen Burns, Philip Goad and Alan Pert, Julie Willis and Jianfei Zhu were all presented. Julie Willis was also part of a panel session on ‘The Objects of Architectural History’.

Julie Willis has given an invited lecture at the University of Edinburgh this week titled ‘Architectural Movements and Mobilities: entangled architectural histories of the British world’.

Julie Willis and Philip Goad gave a presentation on their new book Architecture and the Modern Hospital: Nosokomeion to Hygeia entitled ‘Architecture as a Machine for Healing’ to the University’s UK alumni community in London on 1 November.

More information about the book can be found here.