Former ACAHUCH Symposium keynote Tim Edensor publishes 'Stone: Stories of Urban Materiality'

Tim Edensor, Professor of Human Geography at Manchester Metropolitan University, publishes 'Stone: Stories of Urban Materiality' - the culmination of research presented during keynote for 'Dubious Heritage', ACAHUCH's Symposium in 2018

Springer describes Edensor's new publication as:

...undertaking a systematic analysis of urban materiality, this book investigates one kind of material in Melbourne: stone. The work draws on...materiality, assemblages, networks, phenomenology, resource and extraction geographies, memorialisation, maintenance and repair, place identity, skill, sensation and affect, haunting and the vitalism of the non-human...replete with evocative examples and fascinating historical and contemporary stories about stone in Melbourne.

Edensor's keynote during Dubious Heritage, titled "REDISTRIBUTING AND REVALUING BUILDING MATERIALS: STORIES OF MELBOURNE’S STONE" featured explorations that cities are continuously assembled out of a diverse array of non-human materials. By exploring stone as a continued and changing link to the city, Edensor posited the dynamic processes stone is privy to - recycling, removal, and the changing aesthetic, structural, sociological and historical landscape. Stone, as a material, embodies and carries through these messages due to its durability, resilience, and physical strength.

Edensor's abridged biography, according to his author profile on Springer is oultined below:

Tim Edensor is Professor of Human Geography at Manchester Metropolitan University and a Principal Research Fellow in Geography at Melbourne University. He is the author of Tourists at the Taj (1998), National Identity, Popular Culture and Everyday Life (2002) Industrial Ruins: Space, Aesthetics and Materiality (2005) and From Light to Dark: Daylight, Illumination and Gloom (2017). He is the editor of Geographies of Rhythm (2010) and co-editor of The Routledge Handbook of Place (2020), Rethinking Darkness: Cultures, Histories, Practices (2020) and Geographies of Weather (2020).Tim Edensor Stone Book Cover

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